20130314_170735Wondering if the FURminator deshedding tool lives up to it’s claims? As you can see by the accompanying photo, it does! Both of my dogs have short coats and still shed relentlessly, but the FURminator really does the job of getting excess hair off your pet and my dogs LOVE having it done. They jump with excitement when I get it out of the box and sit patiently through the process. And it can be a lengthy process creating piles and piles of removed hair. With that in mind, I have heard some people who have not had as much success with the product when using it on a long haired/heavy coated dog or cat. FURminator has had improvements added since its original debut on the market. It now has a fur ejector or release button that pushes the hair out of the brush. Previously you had to pick it out with your hand. Also, newer models are available for toy through giant breed dogs as well as cats that are appropriate to the animals size and supposedly can pull more hair from the undercoat. I have not had the opportunity to try out the large breed version. The website has replacement blades and parts available for purchase if needed as well as accompanying products such as brushes and shampoos. The deshedder tool itself runs around $50.00, depending on the size you purchase and is available online and in pet stores.

by Dana Schaeffer April 2013

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