Charlotte pet sitterAsk any dog owner whether their dog is allowed to sleep in their bed and you’re likely to get an impassioned yes or a critical no. Dogs being allowed to sleep in the bed has always been a hot topic of debate for dog owners but it really boils down to personal preference. Whether you enjoy Buddy cuddling up next to you under the covers, or you think Spot is rightfully at home in his doggie bed on the floor, let’s take a look at some things to consider before making that concrete decision.

-BE CONSISTENT: As dog owners we all know just how important consistency is when dealing with our beloved pooches, and the “bed rule” is among one of the most important things to stay consistent on. When making the decision on whether to allow your pup in bed or not just remember that Fido won’t understand the difference between a bed with fresh sheets and one that hasn’t been changed in a week. If you invite your pup into bed on some days but scold him on others you’re creating confusion on his end and frustration on yours. Make a decision on where you’d like Fido to sleep then stick to it, you’ll both be relaxed and prepared when it’s time for bed.

-REMEMBER YOUR DOG IS…WELL, A DOG! : We’ve all heard the story, a man and woman forced to cling to either side of the bed while their 60-pound lab is spread eagle in the middle having the best slumber of his life. The next morning rolls around and both humans are grumpy due to their lack of sleep and the lab, well he’s doing great! Keep this story in mind when deciding on whether to let Lassie set paw on the mattress. Dogs will be dogs and that means Lassie won’t think twice about your favorite sleeping position or even how much room you have before he gets comfy and heads to sleep. So if you’re pooch is on the larger side and likes some leg room you may want to designate a space on the floor and keep both parties happy with 8 hours of peaceful, not to mention comfortable, sleep.

-SWEAT, DEAD SKIN, AND DANDER? : In a recent study it was found that the average person sheds about 0.016 ounces of dead skin each night, add to that the amount of hair and dander your furry companion may add if allowed to sleep in the bed and your sinuses may be in for a rude awakening. Although allowing your dog to sleep in the bed doesn’t cause any recorded health issues for humans, those with allergies can be impacted if sleeping next to Spike. Dog owners with allergies may wake up with congestion and a scratchy throat so for those owners it’s typically best to make a nice private bed for Spike and give your nose a break for those few hours at night.

So, what’s the verdict? Tell us what you prefer! Just remember there is no right and wrong because each dog, each owner, and each situation is different. What matters is that we all love our furry best friends and as long as they have a spot in our heart and in our home there can be no wrong.

By Courtney Gorham

Fluffs of Luv Pet Care offers an array of customized pet care services, including in home pet sitting, dog walking, cat only pet sitting, overnight visits and cat and dog grooming. As the most reputable pet sitters and dog walkers in Charlotte and the surrounding area, Fluffs of Luv has put countless clients at ease by caring for their cherished companions while they were away.  Give Fluffs of Luv a call for a free in home consultation for pet care or to set up a grooming appointment 704-421-3492 or visit Don’t forget to book your give back bath on Thursday’s.  All breed baths only $25 on Thursday and $5 is donated to rescue of the month!  Call 704-440-4080 to set up your bath or book online

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