by Fluffs of Luv | Oct 15, 2014 | Featured, Pet Sitting Services
You’ve planned your family vacation for six months now. You’ve requested the time off from work, purchased the airline tickets, booked the hotel, and even checked the weather forecast 800 miles away. If you’ve a cat like mine, she’s sitting in your empty suitcase,...
by Fluffs of Luv | May 13, 2014 | Featured, Pet Sitting Services
We may be a bit biased here at Fluffs of Luv, but there are many benefits to hiring a pet sitterover boarding your pet. Here are a few to get you thinking about whether or not a pet sitter isthe right alternative for you:1. A Familiar EnvironmentWhile boarding your...
by Fluffs of Luv | Jan 10, 2014 | Featured, Helpful tips, Pet Sitting Services
You’ve been counting down your vacation for months, waiting for a much-needed break. Soon, you’ll be work-free, but not before the pre-vacation panic sets in—Did you pack enough clothing? Did you iron out the travel arrangements? Do you have enough spending money? If...