Charlotte Poop Scooping Service
Start enjoying your backyard more without the risk of stepping in waste left by your favorite furry family member. Fluffs of Luv Poop Scooping can visit weekly or every other week on a specified day (weather permitting) to clean your pooches poop from your yard. You do not have to be home for the cleaning, we just need access to your backyard. We require that all new clients have an initial cleaning performed before starting a poop scooping schedule. Prices include 1 dog, each additional dog is $2 more. Should inclement weather occur, cleaning will be rescheduled that week. There is no monthly contract and this service is only available for local customers, call us to find out if we service your area. All cleaning tools and shoes are disinfected prior to cleaning and after yard cleaning to prevent the transfer of disease from yard to yard. Give us a call at 704-421-3492 or email us at to set up service.

Yard Cleaning
$13 per yard each week for 1 dog
$2 each additional dog
$25 initial cleaning (required)
$40 one time cleaning for 1 dog
Pet Sitting, Mid Day Dog Walking & Cat Sitting